Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is known for its massive roster of characters, featuring over 160 fighters from various arcs of the Dragon Ball universe, including Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, and the Dragon Ball movies. Unlocking every character in the game is a rewarding challenge that requires completing specific missions, battles, and story modes. This guide will provide a detailed walkthrough on how to unlock each character, helping you build the ultimate roster for your battles.
How to Unlock Characters: The Basics
There are several methods to unlock characters in Budokai Tenkaichi 3, primarily by:
- Completing Story Mode (Dragon History) – Play through the Dragon Ball storyline to unlock characters after specific battles.
- Ultimate Battle Z – Completing specific missions within Ultimate Battle Z mode unlocks new characters.
- Sim Dragon Mode – A few characters can be unlocked by progressing through this mode.
- Dragon Balls – Collecting all seven Dragon Balls and making a wish allows you to unlock certain rare characters.
- Tournament Mode – Winning tournaments can also unlock new characters.
Below is a full list of characters and how to unlock each one.
Characters Unlocked Through Story Mode (Dragon History)
The majority of the characters are unlocked by progressing through the game’s Dragon History Mode, which takes you through key battles from the Dragon Ball series. Here are the characters you unlock through this mode:
- Raditz – Defeat Raditz in the Saiyan Saga.
- Nappa – Defeat Nappa in the Saiyan Saga.
- Vegeta (Scouter) – Defeat Vegeta in the Saiyan Saga.
- Goku (Kaio-Ken) – Unlocks after defeating Vegeta in the Saiyan Saga.
- Gohan (Kid) – Progress through the Saiyan Saga.
- Krillin – Progress through the Saiyan Saga.
- Piccolo – Progress through the Saiyan Saga.
- Tien and Chiaotzu – Progress through the Saiyan Saga.
- Yamcha – Progress through the Saiyan Saga.
- Saibamen – Complete the Saiyan Saga.
- Zarbon – Defeat Zarbon in the Frieza Saga.
- Dodoria – Defeat Dodoria in the Frieza Saga.
- Captain Ginyu – Defeat Captain Ginyu in the Frieza Saga.
- Frieza (Final Form) – Defeat Frieza in the Frieza Saga.
- Goku (Super Saiyan) – Unlocks after defeating Frieza.
- Mecha Frieza – Defeat Mecha Frieza in the Android Saga.
- Android 17 – Defeat Android 17 in the Android Saga.
- Android 18 – Defeat Android 18 in the Android Saga.
- Android 16 – Defeat Android 16 in the Android Saga.
- Cell (Perfect Form) – Defeat Cell in the Cell Saga.
- Cell Jr. – Progress through the Cell Saga.
- Majin Buu – Defeat Majin Buu in the Majin Buu Saga.
- Super Buu – Defeat Super Buu in the Majin Buu Saga.
- Kid Buu – Defeat Kid Buu in the Majin Buu Saga.
- Vegito (Super Saiyan) – Complete the Vegito vs. Super Buu fight in the Majin Buu Saga.
- Gotenks (Super Saiyan 3) – Defeat Super Buu as Gotenks in the Majin Buu Saga.
- Gogeta (Super Saiyan) – Complete the movie storyline for Fusion Reborn.
- Broly (Legendary Super Saiyan) – Complete Broly’s battle in the Broly: The Legendary Super Saiyan movie.
Characters Unlocked Through Ultimate Battle Z
The Ultimate Battle Z mode is a challenge mode where you complete specific missions to unlock characters:
- SSJ4 Goku – Complete the mission where you defeat Baby Vegeta in Ultimate Battle Z.
- SSJ4 Vegeta – Complete the mission where you defeat Omega Shenron in Ultimate Battle Z.
- SSJ4 Gogeta – Defeat SSJ4 Gogeta as an enemy in Ultimate Battle Z.
- Omega Shenron – Defeat Omega Shenron in Ultimate Battle Z.
- Super 17 – Defeat Super 17 in Ultimate Battle Z.
- Baby Vegeta – Defeat Baby Vegeta in Ultimate Battle Z.
Characters Unlocked Through Sim Dragon Mode
The Sim Dragon Mode is a simulation-style mode where you manage your fighter through training and battles. A few characters are unlocked by completing certain missions in this mode:
- Kid Goku (Dragon Ball) – Progress through Sim Dragon Mode until Kid Goku is unlocked.
- King Piccolo – Complete Sim Dragon Mode with a high enough score to unlock King Piccolo.
Characters Unlocked Through Dragon Balls
Collecting all seven Dragon Balls and making a wish allows you to unlock some rare characters. Dragon Balls can be found throughout the different game modes, and once you collect all seven, head to the Shenron Summoning Screen to make your wish.
- Super Saiyan 3 Broly – Make a wish after collecting all seven Dragon Balls.
- Super Saiyan 3 Vegeta – Make a wish after collecting all seven Dragon Balls.
Characters Unlocked Through Tournament Mode
Participating in the World Tournament Mode is another way to unlock characters. Here’s a list of characters that are unlocked by winning the tournament:
- Hercule (Mr. Satan) – Win the World Tournament.
- Videl – Win the World Tournament.
- Great Saiyaman – Win the World Tournament.
Unlocking Secret and Rare Characters
Some characters are hidden and require special conditions to unlock. Here’s how to get them:
- Future Gohan – Complete the "Trunks vs. Androids" fight in the What-If Saga.
- Bardock – Complete the "Bardock vs. Frieza" fight in the What-If Saga.
- Tapion – Complete the Wrath of the Dragon movie storyline in Dragon History Mode.
- Janemba – Complete the Fusion Reborn movie storyline in Dragon History Mode.
- Cooler (Final Form) – Complete the Cooler’s Revenge storyline in Dragon History Mode.
- Metal Cooler – Defeat Metal Cooler in the Cooler’s Revenge storyline.
- Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta – Complete the fight against Majin Buu in the Majin Buu Saga.
Unlocking every character in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 3 can take time, but it's a rewarding challenge for any Dragon Ball fan. Whether you’re progressing through the iconic storylines of the Dragon Ball universe, battling tough opponents in Ultimate Battle Z, or collecting Dragon Balls for a wish, each step brings you closer to completing the most extensive roster in the game. By following this guide, you’ll soon have access to every fighter, ready to take on all challengers in the Tenkaichi Budokai!
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